The Korean-American Art Director in Pixar대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-17 09:33:22

When we were young until now, we have watched many animation movies. There are many kinds of film companies, typically Pixar, Disney, Dreamworks, and many more. The companies do not have many Korean directors. However, there is a Korean-American animation director in Pixar, Peter Sohn.

▲ Peter Sohn who is belonged in Pixar as an animation director

Peter Sohn was born in the Bronx and raised in New York City. His parents were Korean immigrants. So, he is a Korean-American. When he was a university student, he attended the California Institute of the Arts also known as CalArts. After he graduated, he worked as a storyboard artist, voice actor, animator, and many more. Then, finally, he became an animation director in Pixar. He said that he felt honored to have gotten the chance to make a movie.

Peter Sohn made a lot of animation movies as an animation director. His major works are very famous and popular. For instance, he made "The Good Dinosaur", "The Incredibles", "Monster University", "Inside Out", "Party Central", "Toy Story, Ratatouille", and many more. On Jan. 7, 2016, in his interview, he said that at Pixar, it is definitely one to tall family movies, a movie for all generations from young children to adults. Also, when he made "The Good Dinosaur" while he was drawing, and finding ideas, he did a drawing with a long neck dinosaur plowing the earth. It made us think about frontier life.

▲ ˝The Good Dinosaur˝ directed by Peter Sohn

To become an animation director, there are many ways. It is not like we go in with a formula. It is evolution about what the movie can be. In the world of family films, they have a way of becoming what they want to be as Peter Sohn said. Peter Sohn definitely influences South Korea because people watch and enjoy Pixar's animation movies that are made by Peter Sohn.

November 14, 2020

by Seo Hyeon Park


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