Challenge Your Limits대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-10 15:11:58

Do you know the process of how to be a doctor? Many people know that one must enter a medical university, but they do not know what is the next process. There are no easy steps to be a doctor. One should study like a robot.

First, you must study hard because you need to enter a medical university. Entering a medical university is so hard because many students want to be a doctor. If you do not comply with the requirements to get into a medical school, you will not become a doctor. So, you must study all the subjects well then, if you are able to enter a medical university, the process has only just begun. You must study a pre-medical course for two years and another medical course for four years.

▲ This is one of the medical university in Korea, `Seoul National University College of Medicine`. The medical university is difficult to enter. So, you should study like a robot.

In a pre-medical course, you need to learn and have more information in less than two years. Moreover, in the medical course, you will have to take classes in a hospital. If you completed all the medical university courses, you must still have to pass the national examination for doctors for you to be a professional doctor. Then, if you want to be a professional doctor, you must finish an internship for one year, and become a resident doctor for three to four years, and pass the National Examination for Specialists. The National Examination for Specialists consists of a clinical experience and a written test. If you pass the National Examination for Specialists, you will be given a certification, and you will be a doctor.

▲ These are the Korean doctor certification. Left one is the professional doctor certification, and Right one is the normal doctor certification.

To be a doctor, you need to be motivated and passionate. You must not be distracted because you may end up in failure. It means that you must concentrate on studying to be a doctor, and you should make sure that you develop good study habits. You must be motivated and passionate about achieving your goal. The career of being a doctor is very challenging because it is very difficult, and it is a long process. but, it will be worthwhile to challenge yourself.

By YeSeo Lee


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