What Is Important to Librarians대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-10 15:09:54

Librarians' jobs are often known as the management of returning and lending of books. However, librarians do not only do that but also bring in new books, keep them by subjects and make list cards. Moreover, they repair damaged books and place books in designated locations. When the library holds an event, they plan and prepare the event, too.

▲ source : getty image bank

Many people think that liking books is the most important thing for librarians. However, communication skills and interpersonal skills are the most important thing. It is because they should meet and help many people in a short time. During an interview with Dong-chul Kwak, a professor of the Department of Library and Information Science, he gave detailed information about what it is important for a would-be librarian.

▲ Dong-chul Kwak, a professor of the department of library and information science

He said that when he asked students why they applied for the library and information science department during an interview or orientation for freshmen, most students answered that they like reading books. While liking books and reading skills are important, he said that students who like interacting with people will be able to work better as librarians when they graduate. He also said that when students enter the library and information science, they have to be a student who likes interacting with people, and then, they have to like books. It is much easier for students to study if they are not only interested in libraries and society but also in the management of knowledge and information resources, namely, collection, management, and distribution. In addition, language and computer skills are required for library management and communication with users.

If you graduate from the library and information science department than you can become a second-degree librarian, and if you have a doctorate degree you can become a first-degree librarian. There, in the majority of cases, you can get a job at a library.

by Park Jiye


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