Diminishing elderly rights due to COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-29 09:56:35

These days, people get emergency alert messages every day. People are used to seeing the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection-19 (COVID-19) every day. However, the number of confirmed cases does not give people much information. Rather, it is easy to focus on these numbers and neglect the changes COVID-19 is bringing to society. As the Korona crisis is hardly improving, the invisible human rights issue is deepening, especially those of the elderly. The impact of COVID-19 on society is far greater than we know. With the gap between the rich and the poor in one country, the problem of jobs, the problem between countries, and other racial discrimination, what other human rights issues are happening around us?


The age group most critically hit by the global spread of Coronavirus is the elderly. This is because the immune system is considerably lower than other age groups and is easily exposed to other diseases. Worldwide, the fatality rate of people over 80 is known to be five times higher than that of other age groups. Under the condition that there is a coronavirus, elderly people in Korea as well as around the world are in a similar situation. For example, Korea's aging problem is not just an increase in the number of older people, but an increase in the human rights of socially vulnerable senior citizens. The problem of abuse and neglect towards the elderly has continued, but Coronavirus has made the problem even more serious. In the U.S., a group infection occurred at a welfare facility for senior citizens who were left alone in indifference due to COVID-19, and many elderly people died without even having a chance to be treated.

Recently, various human rights issues have become issues around the world. Racism, protests over the human rights of sexual minorities, and news that raises various controversies can be seen conspicuously, but the issue of human rights for senior citizens is hard to understand unless people take a close look at it. However, the issue of senior citizens' human rights is one of the issues that we should be most concerned about now. The opportunity for social communication among senior citizens is gradually decreasing as the spread of COVID-19 limited their movement. Also, various facilities for the elderly closed. Due to the limited operation or closure of senior citizen centers, shelters, and welfare facilities, the elderly are no longer able to communicate with others. In other words, the space that used to be a haven for the elderly has disappeared. Normal conversations with people we can have every day are now getting more and more difficult for the elderly.

▲ image by YonHap News Agency

According to Yonhap News Agency, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea is said to be making efforts with the World Network for the Prevention of Older Persons Abuse, international civic groups, and U.N. agencies to learn about the problems of senior citizens' human rights in various countries and share Korean cases through online meetings. People's efforts in this society can also serve as a stepping stone to solving this problem. If we pay attention first and give help to the elderly around us, the long-standing problem of senior citizens' human rights will gradually improve.


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