Those behind Seoul’s most popular public transport대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:48:48

Every day, average eight million people take subway in Seoul. That is about 80 percent of the whole population of the city. Among them, 3.35 million people take Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit.


“l feel rewarding and joyful that I can help many people who take subway on their busy way to work" said Kwon Jung-ae, the section chief at Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation.


“Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation takes charge of operating subway line 5, 6, 7 and 8. We are providing convenience to our passengers by running trains on exact times," Kwon said proudly. "Since it is a public transport that anyone can use, working here requires great responsibility and yet it is highly rewarding."


As a worker at Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation, she emphasized the importance of having presence of mind.


“Staffs at Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit must deal with many passengers, including those who are drunk," she said.


According to her, the workers at the subway corporation face a wide variety of passengers whose behaviors often go beyond ordinary people’s imagination.


"Sometimes passengers bring some snack or small gifts in appreciation of help. Thanks to those people I feel strong when I feel tired.” she said. “But I feel difficulty when dealing with those who yell at us or cause some disturbance."


In spite of such difficulties the corporation works on ways to provide even more convenience to citizens.


"Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit is providing information on cultural tourist spots around its stations so that the passengers can use the train also to travel and experience culture not only to commute,” she said.


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