How Does COVID-19 Affect Sports Industry?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-21 13:53:58

Can you imagine a sports game without audience? It is strange but true. COVID-19 has effected not only the economy and culture but also the industry on sports.Because of it, unusual scenes are happening.

▲ feature of no-audience game

The highlight effect of COVID-19 on sports is a no audience game. Many sport leagues carry out a no-audience game such as KBO, K League 1 and NBA. However, no-audience game has some problems. A club cannot sale the tickets to people. It connects to a financial problem. According to Forbes, the amount of damages of COVID-19 on sports is at least five billion dollars. Also, sports industry has experienced changes. Home-training is developed, and individual sport activity is increasing such as hiking, jogging, and many more. Also, due to the development of smart devices, digital sport activity is increasing, too such as VR and e-sport.

▲ Tokyo Olympic has delayed to 2021

Also, many sport events are delayed such as Tokyo Olympic, Euro 2020, and World Cup qualifier. Such delay also causes financial loss. For instance, according to Kansai University scholar, Miyamoto Katsuhiro, if the Olympic Games is delayed, the amount of loss will be seven trillion won. Moreover, if the Olympic Games is cancelled, the amount of loss will be 52 trillion won.

Fortunately, some sport leagues allow audience admission. For example, according to Kang Yoo-rim, a reporter in Joongang Daily, KBO made a guideline about admission of audience. Audience cannot enter if there are already more than ten percent of audience inside, and they should sit one seat apart. Food and drinks are prohibited. Tickets should be purchased online. Above all things, all attendees should be required to wear their mask at all time.

COVID-19 affects the sports industry in many parts. It will be uncomfortable and stuffy. However, nothing is more important than safety. No matter how people engage in the world of sports, they should remember that their safety is more important.

By Yejun Byun


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