Making plan to visit historical site대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-23 12:06:17

▲ It is a photograph of a historical travel report paper.(naver)

We learn about the history of our country and other countries in school. It is not easy to visit all the historical sites by ourselves even though we learn history in the classroom. So, Sinwon Middle School made a project called, "Historical Sites Experience Plan" which made students experience various historical sites indirectly.

▲ This picture is elephant temple.

To make this exploration plan, I started to search for some historical places around the world. Among them, I found that India has many historical sites with various histories, so I chose to study more about them. Also, I wanted to introduce people to some famous temples in India. There are Khajuraho Temples, Golden Temple, Shiva Temple, and many more. We cannot only learn about history but also enjoy it.

▲ This picture is India Hindu temple.(Wikipedia)

This project gave students many indirect experiences. It was a useful project with joy and learning. So, students including myself were very satisfied. What was even greater was that most performance assessments were difficult, but this project was very popular with students as it was an interesting performance assessment. Many students felt sad after it was over. The project was a success!


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