Making Travel Plan to Visit the Country I Like대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-23 12:03:15

There are many countries and also many cultures in the world. Visiting countries makes people learn about the countries' culture and history. About two years ago, my homeroom teacher set a task. She told me that she wanted me to learn about the culture and history of another country. It was a single assignment and I had to make a PowerPoint of a travel plan to visit the country I like. After considering different countries, I finally chose France. It was because since I was a child, I have been interested in France. Also, above all things, I have really wanted to see one of the popular structures around the world, which is the Eiffel Tower, for real. 

▲ one of the most popular structures around the world, Effiel Tower

I wrote about the Eiffel Tower, French food, transportation, and manners. The most common means of transportation in France is TGV. It is a kind of high-speed train that can travel to European countries; Italy, Germany, and Holland. Also, there is a unique greeting custom called bise. When French people meet someone, they touch and kiss each other's cheeks. The most famous French food is escargot, which is made with snail and tastes buttery as well as salty. French people started to eat it since the 15th century. The last thing I wrote was about the symbol of France, the Eiffel Tower. It was fully constructed in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel. To reach the top of it, you should ride a lift three times. After you reach the top, you would be surprised at its gorgeous scenery.

▲ the traditional snail food in France, Escargot
▲ the image of chldren kissing at cheek each other (bise)

People say that one can see as much as one knows. After accumulating about the country you will visit or like to visit, you can be inspired and touched more than just be entertained. Through this project, when I visit France myself in the future, I could face the genuine beauty of France. If you are planning to travel to a country, I recommend you to learn about the country before you travel.

By Yoonseo Baik


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