Sports Activities In Chungnam Samsung Academy대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-05 16:51:32

Many students often feel tired in high school. It's because of the time students spend on sleeping decreases as they advance through school.

So, keeping in shape is essential for students. In the innermost part of our brain, there is a part that governs the basic life activities of the body. Outside, there is the part that controls the emotions, which is covered by the part that takes charge of learning and reason. These three parts influence each other. That's why you have to stay in good condition so that you can concentrate on learning. Therefore, students who are good at physical fitness are more likely to get better grades.

In this respect, Chungnam Samsung Academy (sq.CNSA) emphasizes sports activities. Every freshman has to participate in the activity called Morning Spark every morning. They wake up at 6:30 a.m. and gather in the schoolyard. Exercising is progressed until 7:20. After gymnastics, students do various exercises - running, abdominal exercise, Harvard step, sidestep, jump rope, shuttle tun, or cross country- for 30 minutes. Morning Spark has an effect to enhance students' basic stamina. Various exercises also raise challenging spirit and patience.

In addition to Morning Spark, CNSA offers high-quality PE classes. In regular classes, students build up their stamina by doing track and field. Plus, there are after-school programs for students. They can choose one among Lacrosse, flag football, basketball, table tennis, fencing, taekwondo, boxing, and judo. Thanks to various education, a lot of sports competitions are held in CNSA. Sports competitions, Marathons, FB Leagues, and the Martial Arts game are those. Due to the high level of students, their performances in outside competitions are also good, especially in Lacrosse Nationals, which holds the record of five consecutive defeats.

Exercising is helpful for the student, especially who get tired of studying with less sleep. So, if the schools prepare high-quality sports activities for students, their school life will be changed for the better.

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