New President of Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:44:16

             After Park Geun-hye was expelled because of the monopolization of state affairs, South Korea had by-election on May 9. In this election, Moon Jae-in was elected by the nation with 41.08 percent. He became a president with the largest votes. The change of government finally came true in ten years. After his inauguration, he had calls with other countries.

     On top of that, he had a call with America. President Moon started to submit diplomacy. Donald Trump, America's president, first celebrated Moon's inauguration. Then the problem of nuclear problem with North Korea which lots of people were mostly interested in, had been discussed. In this situation, Moon said it is important that South Korea and US alliance should be stronger. Trump also agreed to this and revealed favorable attitude about North Korea' denuclearization. Trump also said that he would prioritize nuclear problems. Moon added that relationship between us is not just good but a great one.

     On the contrary, President Moon had a hard line attitude to Japan. The problem of Comfort women appeared on the calls. Comfort women were women and girls forced to sexual slavery by Imperial Japanese Army in occupied territories before and during World War 2. Korean women and girls misled to sexual slaves by misleading them to work in the factory. In spite of this unethical behavior, Japan did not offer formal apology to South Korea. Japanese right wing said that there was no compulsory haul and even human right abuse. Even worse, some right wings strongly denied the existence of comfort women. However, the victims of comfort women and the attitude of Japan provoked the Korean people to e angry. The agreement of Comfort Women by Geun-hye Park was performed without the agreement of the National Assembly, and it did not correspond to our nation's emotion. For these reasons, President Moon is having a tough attitude toward Japan.


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