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기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-05 16:34:44

▲ 기사출처 : 네이버 이미지

These days, with the development of artificial intelligence, people's jobs are slowly replaced being by artificial intelligence. So job seekers have to look for a promising job. However, there are still lots of jobs that artificial intelligence cannot do. For example, artificial intelligence cannot do a job that is about controlling people's minds or persuading people. One of these jobs is a sports agent. Sports agents persuade people and make contracts for players.

Sports agents are people who contract players' transfer fees and collect information about teams. Also, they do the work for players' schedule management, salary negotiations, fan club management, and much more. So, some people would say that sports agents have the most work out of many jobs. However, compared to the amount of work, sports agents' salary is not that high. The average salary of a sports agent is 30 million won which is a little low compared to other jobs. To be a sports agent, there are a few necessary skills. These are learning interpersonal relationships, language skills, insights, and leadership. With these skills, it is easier to become a sports agent. Sports agents have a high percentage chance of promotion, but their stress levels are also high. This is because of their irregular work time and having too many things to do, so job retention is low.

In an interview with a famous sports agent, Scott Boras, he was asked about the most important factor in becoming a sports agent. He said that the most important factor is to know the laws of various counties. He said that when people make a contract with each other, it is not just a simple conversation but a war. No matter how well people can persuade, it does not matter in front of the law. Also, he was asked what is the hardest thing for a sports agent while working. He said that sports agents have to visit lots of countries, so it is hard to regularly see their family.

Visiting lots of countries and contracting can never be easy. But, in another sense, a sports agent is a proud job that makes the lives of promising players a success. Furthermore, by visiting lots of countries, you can experience lots of things and meet various types of people. Considering these points, being a sports agent seems to be a job with its own charm.


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