Future‘s interesting job:DIGITAL UNDERTAKER대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-10-05 16:27:51

Have you ever wanted to delete some writings related to yourself in cyberspace?
You will have some memories you felt mad due to the ‘uncomfortable record’ that it is on the Internet or Social Media. The person who deletes for people suffering from those past records is called a digital undertaker.

▲ Digital undertaker deletes the personal inforamtion that peolpe request.

Nowadays we could call the Information Age of Digital Technology since they could get data from the Internet. Since the information is easily accessible through the Internet, many people can use it usefully. On the other hand, however, personal information protection and privacy invasion issues are becoming serious social problems. In particular, if the information is posted on the Internet that is different from the facts, or if something that is not wanted to be disclosed is being circulated by others, the parties will suffer tremendous damage.
It is the digital undertaker that solves these problems.

Most of the contents requested by "digital undertakers" are mostly private lives that people do not want to disclose, such as illegal filming and revenge porn, or illegally made video files.
In some cases, he or she asks them to delete the contents they listed on the Internet themselves. It is probably the case that people who are about to get a job or promotion want to erase their past digital histories. When a customer makes a request, the "digital undertaker" analyzes the request accurately and quickly collects the data to be deleted from the customer through a professional search system.
Based on this, people's e-mails and social networking sites are tracked and posts are deleted.
A digital undertaker is literally a new digital guard who protects an individual's "right to be forgotten."
The demand for such 'digital undertaker' is expected to grow, becomes more valuable.
The government recently announced a plan to boost new jobs against future industries and job structure.
It is notable that the government has decided to re-promote the revitalization of jobs for "official detectives," "digital undertakers" and "personal information protection managers."
The role of 'digital undertakers' will be gradually expanded in our society as long as activities over the Internet do not stop.

Life through digital goes on and digital undertakers become even more professionally popular.
Therefore continuous change requires an attitude of paying attention to new jobs and developing related fields in line with society.


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