Suicide, the way to break off with our society대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:39:18


    A young 16-year-old boy went near the window on the 10th floor of an apartment. After a few minutes, his feet were separated from the floor and the boy went over to a place where he could not come back from forever. The next day, a report from a guard of the apartment was received by a policeman. It was said that the student, with great amounts of blood, had been knocked over in the parking lot of the apartment. This issue shocked a lot of people who were astonished by news of his early death. Adolescent suicide regularly appears in every part of society, and occurs much more often than before.
     Adolescent Suicide, which is taking one's own life due to a variety of reasons, has increased more and more nowadays. Besides, South Korea's high incidence of youth suicide has given citizens an enormous shock. What are the main reasons to causing the youth's suicide? Basically, it appears to be in the desperate, gloomy and exhausted condition or mental state of teenagers. They might have seen their circumstance. This melancholic quality in the surrounding envrionment of teenagers take their toll on mental health.


     Another big reason is comes from the stress of studying and the burden of having to excel. Adolescence is a period where teenagers are supposedly are able to find their talents, aptitude, and skills. However, our society forces young obtain high scholastic achievements. The Study Achievement Stress holds first rank among the reasons of adolescent suicide. To prevent any more awful incidents as mentioned a lot of foreign countries implement suicidal prevention programs. In Finland, a suicidal prevention project was initiated by the government itself. The program is to provide diverse prevention stratgies depending on the provide diverse prevention strategies depending on the provide diverse prevention strategies depending on the different types of suicide. Also, they made a rule to forbid newes about. For these reasons,  the death toll in Finland decreased the death tol in Finland decreased so fas. Our society, try to these helpful policies. However, teenager suicide has already escalated into a much more serious problem than before. If we want to solve the problem, we have to focus on the young's no-sound shout. They must be able to express their burdens before they can even think of suicide. From now on, we have to look around and strive for those victims of mental or emotion stress.

June 3rd, By So-yeon Kim


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