Poor Advertising대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:59:21

You may have seen advertisements while using SNS. When we use YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms, we see various advertisements. Are there any unpleasant advertisements? Most people will answer yes. Among them, the game advertisement is said to be the most stimulating. As a result of searching for provocative game advertisements or low-quality advertisements, advertising

▲ Poor Advertising

companies are commercializing sex in various ways. There is a game advertisement that features a Japanese AV actor as a model and exposes certain body parts of a woman's body. Also, if you press change clothes, the female characters in the game will change their clothes into sensational clothes such as short or thin clothes, mesh stockings, and garter belts. Other game advertisements compare women to strawberry, rose, and peach flavors. In battle games, female characters are almost undressed. Most contents of these low-quality advertisements are that men use their power to determine women's behavior, and men mostly do sensational behavior at a higher position than women.

What company mainly makes such low-quality advertisements? As part of an advertising team, the company does not make poor advertisements and does not make any of them even now. The reason is that I have to think about the company's image and its relationship with the government. Most game companies that make low-quality advertisements are overseas game companies, and many of them are Chinese game companies. According to the 2019 China Game Industry Report, Chinese companies recorded two trillion won in sales in South Korea through games. Such a Chinese company does not even have a branch in the south but only entrusts advertising to an outside advertising agency. A Chinese game with a low-quality advertisement has more than 100,000 downloads, and the age of the game has changed from 3 years old to 12 years old in recent years.

The reason why low-quality game advertisements continue to appear is that there is no current method of regulation against it February 7, 2020, the Game Rating and Administration Committee banned such low-quality advertisements. However, because the recommendations were not made to game companies, but to platforms that advertise, we can continue to access these low-quality advertisements through other SNS

▲ low advertising sanctions

platforms. Also, although Article 48 of the Game Industry Promotion Act calls for a fine of ten million won, large game companies will not give up hundreds of millions of won or trillions of profits for ten million won. A fine of 10 million won can only be applied when the actual game content is different from the advertisement, namely, false exaggerated advertising under article 34 of the Game Industry Promotion Act.

Due to the ongoing controversy over low-quality game advertisements, the government announced on May 7, 2020, that it will only be able to regulate them with sensationalism in the future, and they will make sure to set up a domestic corporation if overseas game companies want to enter the country. However, since this is still in the planning stage, it will take a long time for the law to be made, and even children who use SNS before will still see low-quality advertisements. This can also have a serious impact on children's development. Also, if the game that has continued to advertise poorly is at the top of the list, we will see more of it in the future. So, what we can do now is not to download games that report and advertise poorly whenever we see advertisements. We need to make effort until overseas game companies will know that low-quality advertisements are banned in South Korea.

September 21, 2020, 

By Park Hyoin


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