기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:48:55

Have you ever heard about COVID-19 makeup? Because of COVID-19, we have to wear a mask. People still want to wear makeup, so they do COVID-19 makeup.

Before COVID-19, the trend of makeup was glossy makeup. Now, people only put makeup on their eyes preponderantly. They just emphasize their eyes strongly because most of them wear a mask to prevent getting infected from COVID-19. A beauty YouTuber, Pony Syndrome, uploaded a video about how not to get stained from her makeup in her mask. Likewise, because of COVID-19, makeup trend has changed.

▲ Youtuber Risabae post her video about no-foundation makeup.

Another example of COVID-19 makeup is foundation-free. When they use foundation, it is smeared with their mask. Because of the mask, their skin is not good at all. So, they do not want to use foundation. Then, how do they cover their skin, and how do they tone up their skin? They use to tone up cream to make their skin bright, and they use very little concealer in their pimples, blemishes, and freckles. Consequentially, their skin becomes better.

Lastly, COVID-19 makeup's point is eye makeup.l In the United Kingdom, people use drastic colors of eye shadow to give an impact to other people such as purple, green, and yellow. These colors are not ordinary to people. Sometimes, it seems funny or weird, but it has a very big impact. Also, they use many glitters. Glitter has an effect emphasizing the eyes. Too much glitter makes someone look like a clown, so one should not use too much glitter.

▲ A woman emphasizes her eyes with makeup.

Because of COVID-19, our makeup trend has changed very much. As time goes by, the trend will be changed continuously. What about trying our new trend, COVID-19 makeup?

By Kang Gyurin


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