To Be a Lawyer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:45:46

In 2019, there was one study about students' desired job. In there, the athlete was in the first rank. Also, in the top 10, there were teachers, lawyers, police officers, cook, and doctors. Many people want to become a lawyer every year. Actually, around 15,000 people want to become a lawyer.

▲ Lawyer, who defends the clients

A lawyer is a person who defends people when there is a problem. A lawyer can defend an individual or society. There are civil cases and criminal cases. A civil case is in which a lawyer performs the procedures for coordinating and protesting. On the other hand, a criminal case is in which a lawyer participates in questioning a witness and the judge. A lawyer should have the ability to analyze events and should logically express them. Lawyers should act justly, and this is a job suitable for people who have a social and conventional interest. A lawyer is advantageous to people with strong personalities. Personalities such as reliability, analytic thinking, and meticulous. To get this job, they have to earn a bachelor's degree and enroll at a law school. Also, they said that because of the clients through the submissions. Also, they said that because the clients apply for dispute mediation while the relationship has deteriorated due to disputes, they often fail to make objective judgments due to the worsened feelings in the dispute settlement process. In this case, they try to empathize as much as possible by listening to the person's story first.

▲ What lawyers do

Lawyers are loved by many people, and many people want to be a lawyer every year. A lawyer is a job which can criticize many people, but they are important job and indispensable to society because there are many accidents that happen in society every single day.

By Dahye Jeong


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