Reopening of Online Classes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:38:27

Since the spike of COVID-19 had decreased, the government of South Korea ordered to reopen all schools after closing them for several months. Students went to school every other week to continue raising the level of social distancing. Students who did not go to school had to take online classes at home while the other students took classes at school. However, as the spread of COVID-19 rose again recently, the government began online classes in earnest.

Students can take online classes easily using Internet websites. In spite this advantage, parents complain about the quality of online classes. On the Blue House's website, there is a petition about attending school. It says that the quality of the online classes is low. Teachers prepare and upload videos for classes, and students watch the videos freely at home. However, the length of the videos is usually short, and some teachers just upload other teacher's lectures. In addition, students cannot concentrate because they are not strictly monitored and guided unlike in schools.

▲ a student who cannot concentrate on online classes.

Additionally, some subjects such as art, music, and P.E. are difficult to learn through online classes. In Mugeo Middle School in Ulsan, students complain about the way of learning art subjects. Teachers who teach art just upload videos about famous artists and their paintings. Moreover, online classes are affected by the slow Internet connection. As the number of people connecting to the Internet increases, the Internet becomes unstable, so lectures do not go smoothly. If students are not able to access the Internet, they cannot take classes.

▲ Image that appears when Internet access is unavailable

Although parents are worried about the safety of their children, they want their children to go to school because of the problems of online classes. Thus, the government is finding appropriate solutions to solve these problems.

by Park Jiye


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