The Reduced Timeframe of School Summer Vacation대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-28 14:30:12

Imagine that your vacation is reduced, and you cannot relax or play during summer vacation. Before, there was two months summer vacation, but, in recent days, summer vacation has reduced for one or two weeks. Even though many people plan to go to some famous places, there are already a number of days of classes prescribed by the state. So, every school has no choice but to shorten school vacations.

▲ 2019 Novel Coronavirus

As the 2019 Novel Coronavirus is spreading so quickly, people must not go outside and stay in their houses. However, many people are planning to go to other districts or some famous places in South Korea, so many can get sick. The school administrators worry about this because their school can have trouble with the spread of the virus. Thus, school administrators decided to reduce the number of days of school vacation.

▲ All people have to wear a mask necessary.

Moreover, because of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, the opening of school was delayed from March to April. So, every school has to set the number of days of classes prescribed by the state, Also, they have to teach students through online classes. For these reasons, schools have no choice but to follow the new guidelines.

In the case of Sang Seo Middle School, their period of summer vacation is shortened to three days. This can be an issue for the students. Moreover, other schools set their summer vacation for two weeks. It shows the gap of this year's summer vacation from the original vacation because of the different number of days.

It seems that many students are upset about the reduced timeframe of the school summer vacation. Also, parents have trouble with it because they do not want their children to go to school because of the virus. However, students have to follow the new system and guidelines. They have to use their summer vacation to study for the next semester or to wait for the upcoming winter vacation.

By Ji Won Kim


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