Korean Pop Culture Breaks the Wall대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 15:54:30

Recently, Korean pop culture is in the limelight. Of course, Korean culture has been focused, but it is receiving a lot of attention without any precedent. The Korean boy band, BTS, achieved a splendid achievement; tops on Billboard Hot 100 chart for two consecutive weeks. Being in the first place of Billboard Hot 100 is the first time for Korean singers. This is not the only proof that Korean pop culture is drawing great attention.

▲ Billboard Hot 100 chart

In early 2020, Bong Joon-ho's movie, "Parasite" made history in Oscars with four wins. It won in the Oscars for Best Picture, which is the most authoritative award among the awards that the Academy gives. It was the first time to non-English-speaking film to win the Oscars for Best Picture. It also won the Oscars for Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best International Film. Success in the North American market, which is the exclusive property of Americans, can be a demonstration of global competitiveness. "Parasite" earned 200 billion won until February, right after it won in the Oscars. With this achievement, the attention of many people to Korean movies and also dramas is growing rapidly.

▲ ˝Parasite˝ team with Oscars trophy

Next, the representative name of the Korean pop culture or Korean music is called K-pop. As mentioned earlier, a Korean boy band, BTS, tops on the Billboard Hot 100 chart with their English single "Dynamite". There is a precedent that Korean music ranked second place on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Gangnam Style by Psy, but it is the first time for Korean singers to top on the chart. Therefore, many people worldwide are focusing on their steps. Experts analyzed that BTS will earn 1.7 trillion won with single music.

▲ BTS talking about their music`s success

Many people from around the world are threatened by COVID-19. In this time, popular cultures will get more attention than any other time. A lot of Korean pop cultures are consumed even at this moment. Korean pop culture has and will continue to develop constantly in keeping with the hard times.

September 19th, 2020

by An So-mi


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