Changing Policy of Education대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:30:20

     On May 10th, South Korea greeted the new president, Moon Jae-in. He was elected by poll in May 9th. After the inauguration, he made a work committee, sang the song for the celebration, and signed the work on abolishing government textbooks. He also recognized the two short-term teachers who died in Sewol on their post of duty. Many people are interested in his deed and his education policy is one of those.
     Moon Jae-in made lots of election pledges. In the section of education, he made five pledges. They are related to nation's educational responsibility, equality in education, education revolution, abolition of ranking, and the people's decision. First he pledged to increase public education expenditure, and high school compulsory education. Second he pledged to change autonomous private high schools to regular high schools. He also pledged to promote company's equality of opportunity. He also mentioned elementary and middle school free semester system, music and gymnastic education, admission system and high school credit system. The fourth is the transparency of examination of admission system, and law school's blind test. The fifth includes conference of education sovereignty era.
     Among his lost of policies, the point of his pledges is directly related to autonomous private high schools, high school credit system and the admission system of universities. These days, lost of students go to university through regular and irregular selection, and through the policies that are adapted by third grade middle school students right now. At this age, students find it so hard to study. They take the free semester system and even the combination of liberal arts  and natural science. Before English in the scholastic ability test changed relative evaluation to absolute evaluation. President Moon Jae-in also suggested all of the subjects to change to absolute evaluation.
     Because of his pledges, many students and parents are worried about how those will work and affect them. They also have a problem in some policy such as high school revolution in high school credit system. About the policy in education, President Moon Jae-in emphasizes the counteraction in the decision. So, the expection got higher and higher

              June 3rd, 2017 by Kim Seo Hyeon


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