Can COVID-19 Antibody Drug Be Developed Eventually?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 13:01:25

▲ Celltrion

Celltrion proved the safety, drug-tolerance, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of COVID-19 antibody drug, CT-P59, for the first clinical demonstration with Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on September 11th. Celltrion is planning to progress more clinical tests to develop the COVID-19 antibody drug.

▲ Celltrion had a positive result from the first clinical demonstration.

In July, Celltrion received the sanction of clinical tests by the Korea Food & Drug Administration. Celltrion progressed the first clinical demonstration to healthy subjects of 32. For the results, the COVID-19 antibody drug called CT-P59 is proved to have no deviant cases in fields of the safety, internal resorption, drug-fast, distribution, and pharmacokinetics (PK), Celltrion expected to enter the second and the third clinical tests early according to their successful results.

▲ Celltrion progressed a clinical trial to mild the patients, conditions.

Celltrion is planning to develop the COVID-19 antibody-drug until next year. Celltrion simultaneously progressed a clinical trial to mild the patients, conditions. Based on the results of animal practices, they planned to have the second and the third clinical demonstration globally in a large scale. Seven countries have applied to clinical tests, and Celltrion is going to retain intermediate findings of tests to subjects of twelve countries and more than 500 until this year. Additionally, Celltrion expected to finish the clinical demonstration to subjects of 3000 until the first half of next year.

Celltrion is planning to make mass production as soon as the COVID-19 antibody-drug is developed in order to satisfy the supply for the demand of the nation. To progress the mass production, Celltrion started the production of verification and industrial check from this month. According to the administrators of Celltrion, they hope that they can supply the drug if the results are competent.

September 13th, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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