Hoppipolla: a band that gives people hope, emotion, and consolation대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 12:54:53

Hoppipolla is a four-member band formed by JTBC's ‘Super Band’ and the winning team.
"Hopipolla" means "to jump into a puddle" in Icelandic, has meaning, "We hope people fall into our music."
It has a sound that blends two vocal parts, cello, guitar, and other instruments that touch people's hearts.
People often think of bands with full sound, but Hoppipolla has an acoustic mood.

It consists of I'll (frontman, vocalist, piano), Hong Jin-ho (cello), Ha Hyun-sang (vocalist, guitar), and Kim Young-so (guitar).

▲ from left, Ha Hyun-sang, Kim Young-so, Hong Jin-ho and I`ll ( source:MJ DREAMSYS)

Let me introduce members of Hopipolla.

First, I'll
I'II is a front man of Hopipolla, unlike other timid members, is active and leads activities including music.
He made his debut with before joining the band.
His feature is a warm tone, and he played a prominent role as a front man by bringing talented musicians like Ha Hyun-sang in the band.

Second, Hong Jin-ho
He plays the cello in the band.
Viva la vida with Ha Hyun-sang has gained huge popularity.
With a very high level of cello skills, he performed many collaborations and solo concerts before the band.
It plays a role in making the band's sound deeper and more full.

Third, Ha Hyun-sang.
He is a vocalist and singer-songwriter with I'II.
Already his OSTs and songs are sung by many people.
Recently, he has been challenging many careers like acting.
He does like macaroons and his dream is opening a bakery.
He impresses many people with his delicate tone.

Last, Kim Young-so.
Kim Young-so was the youngest in the band and won the contest at the young age of 19(in Korean age)
Even before the contest, he is extraordinary in playing guitar, being called a guitar genius.
He performed his own song in the preliminary round.
This song earned the admiration and praise of the judges.
His guitar playing makes the band's music sound more harmonious.

The music they pursue is to give hope, emotion, and consolation to those who listen to their music.
Also, their dream is Hoppipolla becomes a genre.
I believe that their dreams will come true soon.

By Jung Da-yeon


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