Various Korean Traditional Dishes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 12:38:07

There are many different kinds of foods in South Korea. In South Korea, people usually eat traditional foods which help us keep our health. Recently, a French research team has discovered that kimchi is of great help to decrease the death rate caused by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

▲ Korean traditional dessert, Yakgwa

To start with, kimchi is one of the most popular dishes in South Korea. It is a fermented food, so it suppresses cancer. Also, it is an international space station food that was selected by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. It is good for the brain, skin, and blood vessels. Kimchi contains vitamins A and C, so it helps reduce digestive problems. Other popular Korean traditional dishes are bibimbap and bulgogi. We can gain many nutrients from bibimbap. Then, in bulgogi, there is an amino acid, so it is also good for digestive problems. Lastly, yakgwa is a popular Korean dessert. It has a history of the time when people did not have meat and fish, so they made yakgwa with a meat shape.

▲ Korean traditional food, Kimchi

Recently, a French research team and a Korean research team discovered that among the Korean dishes, Kimchi helps to decrease the effect of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. They found out that there are fewer death rates in some countries. The similarity among these countries is that they eat fermented cabbage. Professor Jean Buske in France said that he analyzed the relation between the effects of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus and the eating of fermented cabbage. He is an honorary professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Montpellier. So, he suggested that people from other countries should also eat fermented cabbage. It is good for the immune system, so some countries have less death rate. Thus, we should choose a menu which contains lots of cabbages. Eating more cabbages helps to decrease the effects of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

There are many benefits to eating Korean traditional foods, especially kimchi. By eating Korean traditional foods, especially those with fermented cabbages, people can keep their health. It is time to try it for us to be always healthy.

by Um Gi-yoon


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