Musicians Became Therapists 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-11-02 14:04:54
  • 수정 2020-11-02 14:04:56

What do you do when you get hurt? Most people may go and see a doctor get medicine. Medicine is the treatment of illnesses and injuries prescribed by doctors and nurses. Many people believe that they will be fine when they take medicine. However, it only treats physical influence. Music is another way to overcome the wound.

▲ The Pain of the Second World War

After the Second World War, many people got an illness of the mind caused by hunger and pain of the war. There, musicians played music in the hospital ward for the heartbroken people. Psychologists realize that music has positive effects through the event. Since then, many musicians have become musical therapists to share their own music with the world. This is the beginning of the appearance of a music therapist.

▲ Korean Musical Therapy Association

To begin with, musical therapists have helped patients to recover their mental, emotional, and social health. In America, about 30,000 people put their hands to this job. Seventy percent of them are in the professional field, too. The National Institutes of Health is keeping up studying music therapy with many music therapists now.

The people who want to be a musical therapist should pass the examination of the American Music Therapy Association. They should have outstanding musicality and belief in volunteer work to achieve their dream, too. Musical therapy requires many hard things such as consideration, human love, and humanity. Although it involves many hardships, musical therapists are working hard now. Musical therapists make people happy by playing music. Many heartbroken patients revive their spirits, not through medicine but music. Musicians' love and passion have been continuing since the Second World War. Nowadays, the music therapist is drawing attention as it is not physical therapy.

By Yunjubin


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