The Career of a Middle School Teacher 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 12:01:37

According to the Ministry of Education's Future Job Preference Survey, the job of a teacher has been in the top rank from 2015 to 2020. It is because the job of a teacher is stable. Also, summer and winter vacations are two of its advantages. However, the work of a middle school history teacher demands a broad range of skills.

▲ Teacher is a job which teaches students.

To be a middle school history teacher, one should study in the Department of History Education in a college of education such as at Korea University, Gongguk University, and Seoul National University. In the college of education, contents related to education are important to learn such as the method of transmission of curriculum knowledge and teaching method. In an interview with a middle school history teacher, Lee Ye Ji, she said that if you want to be a middle school history teacher, you have to study hard and read a lot of books related to education or read a lot of history books and focus on your major subject. Then, you have to take the teacher certification examination. If you pass the test, you can be a professional middle school history teacher.

Any work experience or volunteer work is beneficial for school teachers with regard to morality. Also, other abilities to be a good teacher are required such as knowledge in health and welfare, knowledge in computers, physical education, and many more.

▲ History Teacher is teaching students.

Other related studies for history teachers to know are historical videos just like the period of Korean war video which was discovered in Daejeon. History scholars are studying about it. The historical data that they have studied, are helpful and useful for others who want to study history.

If you want to be a middle school history teacher, you should do your best, read a lot of books related to history, study hard, and have focus.

By Jeong Ji In


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