When the Education Expense is High, The Result is Bad대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:13:34

South Korea is famous for having a high ardor for education. Most parents are spending their money for academies and schools to educate their children. The education expenditure of one's child is tremendously high, but parents make money in any way just to get that child into a better academy. However, comparing the expenditure with the demand placed on the children to perform with the highest of honors will create a result that is not good.
     South Korea has an education system that is of a bad quality because it does not maintain or develop talented people South Korea's expenditure on education holds the second rank all over the world, but the quality of education is 75th. For math and science, the country ranks 36th. Also, the ability to maintain a talented person is 29th lagging behind other countries. Additionally, in the inflow of talented persons, South Korea ranks 49th. This is seriously low in WEF. The head of the research institute in Hyundai said that National countermeasure for development of human resource and securing of talent is urgent.
     The technology used in education is also a serious problem in Korean education. South Korean teachers show a higher participation rate in lectures and workshops. However, they actually do more work in general administration rather than on developing and preparing educational technology. So, the satisfication of Korean teachers is low. They do not believe in their abilities and have low self-efficiency. This can cause a falling-off in teaching quality. They have a high professional development drive, but active teaching and learning activity is lower than average.
     In South Korea, people spend a lot of money and time on education, but mostly goes to waste. Although the Korean people learn higher education, the quality, maintenance of talented persons, and the satisfication of teachers is bad. South Korea needs to have countermeasures for these problems. There also needs more investment to develop talented persons and improve the business environment of teachers.

                            by Seonhye Park


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