Welcome to the Hanteoul Festival!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:28:17

If you were a student at Daihyun Middle School, you would have heard about Hanteoul Festival. It is famous for the students in Daihyun Middle School for it is one of their most favorite school events. Hanteoul Festival is an annual school festival in Daihyun Middle School. On the day when the festival is held, the students run and experience a variety of booths in the morning. After lunch, everyone moves to a hall near the school. 

Here, the performers present their prepared performances, and the rest of the students watch them.

▲ The 10th Hanteoul Festival Performance

Kim Hye-rin, a third-year student in Daihyun Middle School, said that last year's festival was very enjoyable. So she is looking forward to this year's festival. When asked to explain the merits and demerits of the festival, she replied that the festival relieves the students' stress and gives them pleasure. However, she also said that some students who dislike the festival do not participate actively, and the school has to spend a lot of money on renting a hall.

The advantages of the Hanteoul Festival are that the students can forget about their studies for a while, have fun at school, and foster harmony and cooperation. However, there are also disadvantages since the participants spend their afternoon, not in the school gymnasium, but in a hall, the school spends a rental fee as well as booth production, operation, and labor costs. Moreover, even students who dislike festivals are forced to participate.

▲ Ulsan KBS Hall where the Hanteoul Festival is held

Despite some shortcomings, the Hanteoul Festival is loved by many teachers and students in Daihyun Middle School. However, it is unclear whether the festival will be held this year due to the COVID-19. The students expressed their regret at the teachers' guidance because according to the academic schedule, the Hanteoul Festival would be held in winter, but they could not ensure it would be held.

▲ The third grade students of the high school are going to school practicing social distancing.

Sep. 19th, 2020

by Kim Hye-rin


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