Online Home Schooling대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:29:56

A few weeks ago, South Korea was coping well in treating COVID-19. The number of confirmed cases had decreased a lot. But, after National Liberation Day, the number of confirmed cases has begun to increase rapidly. Accordingly, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention upgraded social distance to level 2.5.

As the social distance was upgraded to 2.5, only one grade per school should go. So, students should do online classes again. Many hindrances occurred during the last online class, such as playing games, doing cell phones, playing with friends, muting the lecture, playing the video twice as fast, or not listening to the video.

▲ students studying by face-to-face

For the solution, the Ministry of Education has been telling students to check online classes through face-to-face or real-time chatting. Typical applications include zoom, band, and more. Zoom Video Communications is an American company that provides videoconferencing services. It also provides teleconferencing services that combine video conferencing, online conferencing, chatting, and mobile collaboration. Many schools are using the zoom to study alternative face-to-face. From this. some of the problems have been relaxed. However, still, some of the students are not taking part in the class, so we need more plans to make them participate.

▲ Zoom video communication application

We cannot know when COVID-19 will end. Schools will have to monitor students to see if they are attending classes well. It would be comfortable and enjoyable if current students do not take classes and play, but when they become adults in the future, they will contribute a lot to society, and they should be well-established to make their future lives more convenient. Accordingly, the education office and schools should increase the number of days of real-time conversations or online face-to-face classes to make sure that students are attending classes well.

Sep, 19th, 2020

By Woo-yeup Kim


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