The Change of School Life, Because of COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:15:32

▲ The world infected distribution chart

Before COVID-19 occurred in the world, school life is about the continuation of projects. So, if you are a student, you might always do a project in school, although each school has a different project type. However, nowadays, most students are not able to do it because of COVID-19. It is one of the most dangerous viruses which has killed about 850 thousand people in the world, so the Education Ministry in Korea has decided to cancel almost all school plans to protect students from it. As we think, it is nice for the students because they do not need to spend a lot of time doing a project; however, it is not true.

▲ It is a figure of changed school.

Because of COVID-19, every school has changed. First, not only students but also teachers must wear a mask. According to the research of a medical journal, The Lancet, if both infected and non-infected wear a mask, only three percent is the chance in spreading the virus. However, it is uncomfortable, so people do not like to wear it. Second, students cannot use school facilities. The school determines that school facilities are public, so it can cause infection. Third, almost all school plans are canceled. Starting with school excursion, retreat, and sports day, are canceled. Also, all school projects are canceled because they are team activity, and students must not wander outside. In accordance with it, there are no ways to monitor every student. Still, school exams are important. Lastly, schools do offline and online class in turn to avoid meetings which can cause infection.

As these uncomfortable and inconvenient ways of learning continue, students get stressed very much. An interview with a second grade student, Yun Hwan Kim, said that because of the pandemic the new normal way of living made him stressful. Also, he is so angry because their excursion is canceled because of COVID-19. He has been waiting for it very much. However, he is worried for he might be infected by other people.

School life because of COVID-19 is tough, less freedom, and stressful. All students miss their normal life. However, although it is hard to keep awareness, we must always remember the importance and the necessity of continuing life. I hope COVID-19 will be defeated as soon as possible.


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