Bumseo Middle School‘s Student President Election대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-16 15:18:12

Nowadays, lots of students are not educated about voting, so they do not know their vote's importance and the way to properly behave in an election. They even think that an election that an election is just a fun activity. Therefore, in Bumseo Middle School, they do the project called the student president election. Doing this project, lots of students can get knowledge about the importance of the election.

▲ students who do the election

The student president election is a project that is held every year in Bumseo Middle School. The students of the school should take part in this project. They study what is election and why it is important. Also, they learn about the principles of the election. When they learn all these things completely, they can apply as candidates, and the candidates will prepare some things that can help them in the electioneering. After about three days, the students experiment in the vote to choose a candidate

When the voting is over, the students do the judgment about the process of the vote and supplement the mistakes.

▲ the student who vote candidates

The students who take part in the project will know the way to vote for lots of candidates and will study the election with their friends. One of the candidates who ran for the election named Kim Jaeyoon, said, that before the project, I don't know about the importance of election or vote. After I learned about the vote and ran for the election, he felt the self-respect and thought that the project should also be done in other schools. He added that although he will not run in a real presidential election, he can do voting very well in the future.

Because the school's student president election, lots of Bumseo Middle School's students gain awareness about eh election and know its importance. However, the schools that do this similar project are only a few, so it is better than other schools will also do the election project for them to raise the students' thinking about it.


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