기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-22 11:07:55

Thanks to pilots, we can easily transport people and vessels. A long time ago, ancient people thought we would not be able to fly in the sky in the further future. However, we have been traveling by plane since the 19th century. It is because of the development of the aircraft and flight industry. However, we cannot fly in the sky without a pilot. So, a pilot is one of the most important jobs in the world.

▲ Pilot

First of all, a pilot is affiliated with flight practitioners. Flight practitioners typically include pilots, air traffic controllers, dispatchers, airline crews, and flight engineers. In the aircraft, pilots operate the plane, jet, and helicopter to transport people or vessels. In addition, pilots lead members that include a co-pilot and other people. A pilot is considered as hard work in the world.

Second, there are ways that we can do to be a pilot in Korea. You can be a pilot graduating from an institution offering aviation courses. Then, if you graduate from an air force academy, you can be a corps pilot. In addition, if you graduate from Korea National University of Transportation, Hanseo University, or Korea Aerospace University, you can be a pilot in ROIC. However, the most general way to be a pilot is to graduate from Kyungwoon University, Sehan University, or other related universities. Pilots' annual income is so high. Their annual income is usually between 10 thousand dollars to 20 thousand dollars by job title.

▲ Plane

In conclusion, a new job called the pilot appeared by development in the flight industry. Then it is hard to move long distances in a short time without aircraft and pilots. Pilots are affiliated to flight practician and operate aircraft and lead the members. Then, there are many ways to be a pilot. I believe that pilot is the most important job in the world.


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