Recent Landslides Because of Mountains Solar Power?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-17 16:33:59
  • 수정 2020-09-24 14:57:40

There are many landslides these days because of the rainy season. As the government tightened standards for installing solar energy facilities and reduced benefits, the number and area of solar energy applications in mountainous areas also decreased. However, people are saying that landslides are due to the construction of solar power facilities.

The reason why solar power in mountainous areas is claimed to be one of the causes of landslides is that forests are severely damaged during construction. Because the government cut down trees on hillsides above a certain slope to make solar panels so that sunlight can be seen for as long as possible, the risk of landslides due to weakening ground is bound to increase. According to Korea Forest Service, 2,327,495 trees were cut down in forests to install solar power facilities in mountainous areas for three years from 2017 to last year.

▲ Trees Were Cut Down in Forests

There is no doubt that solar power facilities in mountainous areas can cause landslides. In fact, during this year's rainy season alone, six solar power facilities in mountainous areas have already been linked with landslides because of soil loss. However, the increase in facilities that led to an increase in landslides needs to be confirmed through statics. With annual precipitation trends remaining constant without significant changes, the trend of landslides and the construction of new solar power facilities in mountainous areas have moved separately.

▲ Solar Power

According to these statics, some people say the construction of solar power facilities is causing landslides, but others say it does not cause landslides. Far from it, it gives us safe energy.


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