A change for Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 02:03:04

On May 10th, 2017, Moon Jae-in the presidential candidate was elected as Korea's 19th president. He has emphasized the significance of reconciliation and coexistence at an inauguration ceremony held in National Assembly Hall of Parliament. Also he promised to keep his pledges for the people, and to be a president for the people of Korea. What are the pledges he promised? Right in immediately after the inauguration it was time for Moon Jae-in to go to work on those promises.

 In diplomacy, he promised to renegotiate the Japanese military sexual slavery agreement. This agreement was pursed in 2015, and this made victims and many people induce political backlash. On Chinese diplomacy, he floated ways to mend ties with China, which have been strained amid its economic retaliation against South Korea over THAAD. About environmental problems, he made promises to resolve serious air pollution and fine dust problem and to reform the Four River Project overall.


 He paid a lot of attention to the public's everyday lives. In welfare, his remarkable pledge is the Dementia Patients National Responsibility System. If senior citizens have dementia, then country help them with various ways. In addition, in labor and gender, he promised to increase the minimum hourly wage, and expansion of women representatives in our society. Moreover, in education, he advocated a reform of the higher education system.

 Finally, Moon Jae-in, pledged to address the problem of unemployment.  Our country has a shortage of jobs, and our youth have to undergo a hard time for them. So Moon Jae-in pledged to create 810,000 jobs in the public sector, starting from 12,000 jobs in the civil service in the second half of this year.

 In relation to this, at the last presidential election interview, " Job is the top priority for the next administration. I'll be ' the president for jobs ' to solve jobs problem which is a source of economic crisis of the Republic of Korea. " he said.

 We have to observe the government's movements from now on, and take interest in politics from many sides. After the inauguration of our new president, Moon Jae-in, how will our country be changed ?


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