Sinwon Eoullim Hanmadang: Sinwon MIddle School Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-24 14:56:37

▲ This picture is Sinwon middle school appearance.

Sinwon Eoullim Hanmadang is a Sinwon middle school festival. It is held every year, and everyone can participate in. Especially, most parents have a concern about this festival.

▲ This picture is that parents help us to sell various snacks.

Many people can enjoy this festival every year. At this festival, first, students manage a booth to fit the concepts. Every year has different concepts. So, students of each class think and prepare a booth. All of the people can enjoy this booth. You can gather booth stamps after taking part in the activities. We can buy snacks with booth stamps. Second, you can see exhibited students' artworks such as sculptures, paintings, future name cards, and more. Students prepare the artworks to display. Last, you can enjoy Sinwon middle school students' performance and contest. Many students prepare and perform various astonishing performances. Even though other schools students can participate and show them. Moreover, there are held two types of competitions every year. I asked my parents about how they feel when they saw the students' performances and they enjoy the festival. They answered that they are so proud of their children and pleased to see other students enjoying the festival.

▲ This picture is that students show talents.

This festival is held to find students' dreams and give opportunities for parents to enjoy their children's performances. I hope this school festival will continue for a long time. I wish every student to enjoy it!

By Kim Raehyun


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