The Best Festival of Goyang Middle School, Saesol Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-11 17:50:10

▲ An idol group that performed at Goyang Middle School, (G)I-dle

What kinds of school festivals are there in your school? In Goyang Middle School, there are a lot of school festivals. However, the Saesol Festival is the most representative festival among them. the Saesol Festival is an annual festival in Goyang Middle School, and students make some booths and watch a concert.

▲ a booth with the concept of a ghost`s house
▲ the most popular snack among students

Each class of students pick concepts and decorate each booth, suitable for each concept. On the day of the Saesol Festival, students decide which booth to experience. There are many kinds of booths that are prepared by students. For instance, students prepare some snacks in a snack booth, play music in a music booth, and decorate some things that look in a ghost-like ghost's house. By experiencing these various booths, students can make nice memories with their friends. After experiencing them, the school provides students with some performances in a mini-concert. Many students like this time the most. Last year, an idol group, (G)I-dle, visited Goyang Middle School's Saesol Festival and performed. Then, a student who watched the concerts that she has not even imagined that she could watch a concert in school. She added that (G)I-dle was performing, she felt like her stress was gone, and she was also very excited, She hopes to see a wonderful concert next year.

While enjoying the Saesol Festival, students in Goyang Middle School could find out what they like, could relieve their stress, and also mend their relations between their friends. Enjoying such a festival would make students who are tried of their lives feel happy. I hope more schools will hold a festival like the Saesol Festival. It is because it will be a good experience for students who are searching for their dreams.

Reported by Yoonseo Baik


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