Online Classes‘ Problem and Prospect of Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-07 12:37:46

COVID-19 is still spreading to various countries. It is a very serious problem in many countries. COVID-19 started in China. It spreads to many countries and it gives some problems. It can spread easily, so people should wear a mask. Also, people should not stay together in an enclosed area. So, schools are banned to open. Thus, the school opening has been delayed. So, all school events are delayed or canceled. Also, school vacation is getting short. However, COVID-19 is still spreading, so the government started the use of the online class.

▲ student who is doing the online class

South Korea delayed its school opening three times during five weeks. They started their online class. The online class is started in order for the students and teachers to be safe. The online class is safe for them. They do not need to stay in an enclosed area, so they can keep their distance from each other. Also, the government supporting the needed supplies. So, people can start an online class. Some schools' online class is through a recorded video. Both real-time and recorded video are hard to join easily. Students are not focused on online class well, so it resulted in having low grades. So, it can be a gap with other students. Also, internet problems can happen. It is a problem for both students and teachers. The online class is hard especially when you want to keep a proper class. It is because of copyright. Teachers should keep their copyright, so they cannot show some data to students in their class.

▲ scene of online class

COVID-19 is still spreading, so the government announced the solution about school classes. They assist the schools for the online class, so online classes will continuously be practiced. Also, they support the new online class application. They announced that we should develop technology more. South Korea Education & Research Information assists that we should use AI for an online class. The government also announced that we should prepare for the second semester by online class. The online class will continue for the sake of education in South Korea.

by Kim Chae Min


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