A Huge School Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-01 16:41:19

▲ students who were dancing in the festival

There are a lot of school events in various schools such as field day, school trip, and school festival. Each school has its own school festival. My school has it, too. However, there is a more special festival than other school's festival. It is held at the Ulsan KBS hall, and many people can participate in this festival not only students but also their parents and teachers. So, it is a little different from other common school festivals. Even though it sounds complex and difficult, but it is not. In fact, it is simple. First of all, students of each school will choose a theme for their performance. They can also perform singing, dancing, and acting. After they choose their performances, they will prepare for their performance until the festival day comes. Then, they will perform in front of many people. Lastly, the winners are determined by the panels.

▲ students who were watching festival scene

Jun Hee Jeong, a student who performed at Apricot Village Festival last year said that The Apricot Village Festival gives teachers, students, and parents an opportunity to show their talents. He also said that it gives them a chance to experience special things and make unforgettable experiences. Not only that, but it also helps develop our talent, increases aptitudes, and foster their sense of cooperation. He also thinks that everyone can enjoy this festival. So, many people really love it.

An interviewee said good points to the Apricot Village Festival. However, it does not only have good points. To perform at KBS Hall, a school needs a large amount of money. Moreover, it is hard to recruit students' parents, because they are busy with their work or chores. Also, applying to this festival is not for free. If you are a student, you must do some performances whether you

like it or not. Even the timid or introspective students who do not want to perform in front of a great number of people are not exempted.

To sum up, not all people or students are in favor of the Apricot Village Festival. In fact, some students want to abolish it. Nevertheless, almost all students still choose it as the best school event though some students want to remove it as one of the school events as soon as possible.


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