The Equal Bus대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-09-01 16:37:03

Have you ever been restricted in your daily life and heard discriminatory remarks for some of your various characteristics? People face so many kinds of discrimination in their lives, such as when they are in wheelchairs and have to climb stairs to get into a building when opinions are ignored because they are young, and many other situations. However, if this is considered inevitable, a vicious cycle of discrimination and disgust will occur. So, what should we do to eliminate this discrimination?

Recently, a "comprehensive anti-discrimination law" has become an issue that bans discrimination against a total of 20 clauses, including medical history, origin, race, sexual orientation, and academic background. If anti-discrimination laws are enacted, they can eliminate being treated unfairly for conditions people cannot do anything about and create a more equal world. Countless people in the socially disadvantaged position in Korea support the anti-discrimination law and are working to enact it. The "Anti-discrimination Law Regiment" is a year-round alternative to the enactment of anti-discrimination laws and makes various efforts for an equal society.

▲ The ˝Anti-discrimination Law Regiment˝

On August 17 this year, the Anti-Discrimination Act Solidarity began a nationwide tour of "equal bus" to encourage the enactment of anti-discrimination laws. The equal bus departed from the front of the National Assembly building, and it will arrive in Seoul on August 29 via Changwon-Wonju-Chungju-Cheongju-Sejong-Daejeon-Pohang-Daegu-Busan-Ulsan-Busan-Changwon-Suncheon-Mokpo-Jeju-Gwangju-Iksan-Jeonju-Hongseong-Asan-Cheonan-Pyeongtaek-Suwon-Ansan-Incheon. Human rights activists on the equal bus in each city are carrying out campaigns to enact anti-discrimination laws, holding cultural festivals, and handing out brochures to inform people about the comprehensive anti-discrimination laws. The #Welcome_equal_bus_ (local name) hashtag informs and supports the activities of equal buses and anti-discrimination law enforcement associations on the Internet. Also, the equal bus receives stories from minorities and is promoting the activities of the equal bus through real-time broadcasting in conjunction with the Queer YouTube channel, "Yeonbunhong TV."

▲ Poster of ˝Equal Bus˝

▲ ˝Equal Bus˝ in Ulsan

Through various activities, including equal buses, countless people support and urge the enactment of anti-discrimination laws. There are also strong voices against the anti-discrimination law, calling it the "homosexuality protection law," but the socially disadvantaged and their supporters expect it to one day be enacted for us to become an equal world.

August 22nd, 2020

by Lee Yeonseo


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