A Prolonged Crisis Because of COVID-19대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-23 16:27:23


▲ The number of infected people is increasing rapidly

     Many experts expect that COVID-19 will resurgence in autumn. All of the countries in the world are tensed up as the number of infected people is increasing, Until now, the number of infected people is around ten million globally, and around 500,000 people died because of the COVID-19. Especially, in USA, the number of the infected people and the propagation rate are really serious. The total number of infected people on July 3rd is around two million, and compared to the day before, around 55,000 people were infected. In South Korea, from three days ago, the number of infected people exceeded 50 per day. Until now, about 13,000 people were infected, and 11,00 people were cured. However, in Seoul metropolitan area, there are steady cases of infections, and there are local infections in Gwangju and Daegu. In Japan, the newly infected people are 200 in two months. Especially, in Tokyo, more than 100 people were infected by COVID-19 since three days ago. Also, COVID-19 seems to become a major problem in North Korea as well. In three months, a political meeting was held to discuss the virus.

     As the COVID-19 has prolonged, many countries where tourism is one of the biggest sources of income, started to abolish the entry restriction. On July 1st, EU allowed 14 countries to enter their country.

▲ Tour to another country become difficult

     Especially, Italy abolished state to state travel restrictions and allowed foreign tourists to enter the country. Also, Mexico and Tanzania announced a complete entry permit all people around the world. Morocco, Egypt, Myanmar, Japan, Canada, and Peru decided to open their border after watching the situation. Taiwan and Singapore allowed the transfer to designated airlines. Moreover, it seems difficult to travel abroad for a while, and there are concerns about the increase of the infected people to the secondary spread of COVID-19.

▲ Many people are trying to prevent the epidemic

    As time goes by, people become more and more insensitive to COVID-19, and they are tired of being controlled by the government. However, we should make efforts to prevent the virus from spreading. So, we should take preventive measures such as doing social distancing well.

July 4th, 2020

by Eugene Jang


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