EXO, and their legendary concert.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 01:29:51

EXO, the most popular idol group are to hold a legendary concert. The concert will be held in Jamsil Main Stadium on May 27th to 28th. It is the 3rd concert's encore. "K-pop idols are the first success created by the korean Wave, " said professor Se Kyung-Deok of Sungshin Women's University. So, many people are in expectation for this concert.

 The tickets for the concert were available from April 12th, to 18th by YES24 website. Many people thought that this concert's would not be sold out because the Jamsil Main Stadium is wide. However, all tickets have been sold. Many EXO fans are sad because they can't get their seat for the concert. After that, SM entertainment issued extra to sell add tickets. Ticketing opened againon April 25th. Many fans were deeply moved. And, although it was sudden notice extra, this extra ticketing was also sold out. "At least 10000 tickets are bought by overseas fans of EXO."said an official of the tickets website Yes24. The dfficial confirmed, there are not only Korean fans but also many overseas fans of EXO.

 On the one hand, EXO member Lay can't participate in this concert. So, many EXO-L (EXO's fandom) will miss him.

 About 100,000 can fit in the Jamsil Main Stadium. This wide stadium will be filled with EXO-L. A group that filled the Jamsil Main Stadium's before was H.O.T. However, EXO will be one of the group that fill the Jamsil Main Stadium's every seat. Many fans are proud of them, and many people admie EXO's popularity.


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