The 2019 Novel Coronavirus in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-03 15:36:46

Nowadays, everyone wears their masks in South Korea. If you go on the street, you can see many people wear masks. Why are they wearing masks? It is because of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. This virus is a new type of respiratory infection disease. If a person is with the virus that person may die. So, it is very terrible. To solve this problem, we should work hard to avoid and prevent the virus in many ways.

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus started in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Then, it spread very fast in many countries including South Korea. In South Korea, the first confirmed case is a woman who traveled to South Korea from Wuhan. By January, there were only 15 confirmed cases. However, it spread fast because of night clubs. The 66 confirmed cases visited three clubs in Itaewon. In just one day, there were one thousand to two thousand people were infected. So, many people in Itaewon were confirmed positive having 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

▲ It is a calligraphy that everyone is working hard to remove a coronavirus.

Now, because of this situation, many things are changed. First, students attend online classes until June. Then, they go to schools biweekly. For one week, they go to school and for another week, they attend online classes at home. Second, teachers are checking our temperature every day. If our temperature is over 38 degrees Celsius, we cannot go inside and we have to go to a screening center. Also, there are a lot of hand sanitizers in different places.

So, we should work hard to prevent the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. We must always wear our masks, and we should maintain social distancing. We should observe a distance of one meter. So, when we go to school, we will enter one by one with one-meter distance. Also, we always wash our hands and lessen our time in going outside. Moreover, the government gives disaster assistance funds to people, and they support scientists to develop a vaccine for the virus.

▲ Medical team works hard for people.

Like this, we should work a lot to end the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. According to the Deputy Chief of Central Anti-Disaster Headquarters in South Korea, Kwon Joon-wook, he said that is is hard to remove the virus in a period of time before a vaccine will be made, so we have to follow the regulations. Many people are hoping that a vaccine will be made so that the 2019 Novel Coronavirus will disappear.

By So-yoon Park


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