Who is the owner of this Island?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 01:21:15

Who is the owner of this Island?

China, Japan, and Taiwan are claiming Diaoyudao(Senkaku) Island.

박주익(Park JooIk), 박찬영(Park ChanYoung)

 Diaoyudao(Senkaku) islands are a group of eight tiny uninhabited islets. Diaoyudao(Senkaku) is located in the South-China sea. China, Japan, and Taiwan have been claming sovereignty over the islands called Diaoyudao(Senkaku) since the 1990's.

When Chin reviewed their history, they claimed that Diaoyudao(Senkaku) Islands are their territory and had some data to prove this from 1400's. However Japan insisted in the Treaty of San Francisco(In 1951 September 8th, America suggest to Japan to give up some Island that Japan still rules.). There are nothing about this Islands. This Islands are farther away from Japan,(410km) then China(330km), or Taiwan(170km). But Japan still claims that Diaoyudao(Senkaku) is their islands.

These problem is going to get bigger and bigger. Many people in China hate Japan, so they will demonstrate against Japan and Ryuku, too.

Although, these Islands are smaller than Seoul(86 times smaller), China, Japan, and Taiwan are fighting over the Islands like a person fights over food. But most experts have said that Diaoyudao(Senkaku) islands have a lot of natural resources such as crude oil and natural gas.

China has been found by the UN to be in violation of the UN convention on the Law of the Sea. President of China Xi Jinping stating that China's "Territorial sovereighty and Marine rights in the seas would not be affected by the ruling."    

To solve this problem, China, Taiwan, and Japan need to talk, and don't act like Kids. They need to determine who the first owner of this Island.


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