A School Event in Ulsan Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-28 17:01:37

In South Korea, every middle school has held its own festival at the end of the year. Each festival has distinct characteristics and programs. However, there may be no festivals like Chisullyeong Festival in which all things are prepared by the students alone. This means that the entire program like the borrowing and buying of facilities and inviting of guests are done by the students without the help of teachers. So, the Chisullyeong Festival is different from other school festivals. In Chisullyeong Festival, there are schedules to be followed. Before eating lunch, students wander around the school and participate in the programs that are prepared on each floor. On the second floor, there is an exhibition of the school art club, making snow globes and making candles. On the third floor, there is a table tennis championship, dart machine, mini basketball, and a snack booth. On the fourth floor, there is an English quiz competition and a theater. After eating lunch, students gather in the gymnasium and watch the performances of each class. There are a talent show and some guests' performances.

▲ A band that came from Ulsan Girls Middle School are playing music on the stage.

Geong-chul Ahn, a third-grade student of Ulsan Middle School, said that Chisullyeong Festival was a wonderful Festival. He enjoyed watching many programs and performances. There were a lot of interesting programs, and the quality of the performances was very high. He added that he could feel the festival's aftereffect which made him so excited.

There are a lot of efforts of the school broadcasting unit and student council as they held the Chisullyeong Festival this year. One of the members of the student's council, Woo-hyun Shin, said that it was so hard to prepare the entire festival. They worked very hard to hold a perfect festival. They prepared all things from one to ten, borrowed light fixtures, invited a dace team, bought all facilities, and many more. He also said that he was worried about the result of their work. However, the students looked happy and said that they enjoyed the Chisullyeong Festival very much. Woo-hyun Shin added that he was so glad to hold a successful festival.

▲ Sound equipments are being prepared.

However, there were few students who opposed the idea of holding the Chisullyeong Festival. They opposed the festival's noise is so loud, so people who live nearby the school suffer. Also, the time for the students to go home is so late because Chisullyeong Festival usually ends at 6 p.m. Nevertheless, most students still agree with holding Chisullyeong Festival and said that it is better than banning it. So, many students hope to meet at the Chisullyeong Festival next year.

By Ju-yup Je


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