Who Should Do the Subway Announcement?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-28 16:57:31

In South Korea, K-pop idols' popularity has increased a lot. These days, many K-pop idols do the subway broadcast with the Seoul Transportation Corporation in South Korea. Imagine you will hear your favorite singer's voice at the subway. Will you feel good? Actually, a K-pop idol group, Red Velvet, recorded a video for the subway announcement with the Seoul Metro Transportation and the recording is played in the subway.

▲ Subway in South Korea

However, some passengers filed a civil complaint to Seoul Metro through 'Customer's Sound' bulletin board about Red Velvet's subway announcement. They said that it is much better to spend the money for the subway environment. Moreover, they said that it is warmer if it is a subway crew who will narrate the line, "Have a nice day" than the Red Velvet. Other passengers do not agree with the idea that it is the Velvet who does the recording for the subway announcement because they are busy due to COVID-19 and work. So, they feel bad when they listen to Red Velvet's subway announcement who makes money with the comparative ease than ordinary people.

▲ Red Velvet`s subway announcement

Unlike some passengers, there are also other passengers who like the announcement that was done by the Red Velvet. Like me, I feel good listening to Red Velvet members 'Joy and Seulgi's voice' despite the weather and the mask, they are wearing. In other words, some people reacted positively to that announcement, and they do not feel bad. They do not consent with some passengers and civil complaints because dealing with that issue will just add to their frustrations.

In this context, Seoul Transportation Corporation said that if they revise the making of the subway announcement, they will reflect with the opinions positively. Seoul Transportation Corporation started transmitting support messages and schedules to get in and out and the subway etiquette by Joy and Seulgi since the 16th day of April.

An announcement that involves Joy and Seulgi's voice is produced by the cooperation of SM Entertainment and Seoul Metro Transportation. Moreover, the corresponding subway broadcasting will be transmitted until April 2021 because it has a contract for a year. Some may like the subway broadcasting, but some may dislike it. How about just enjoying the subway broadcasting?

By Seojin Kim


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