School Educational Travel대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-28 16:55:55

In most schools, senior students go to some areas with their teachers in spring or fall as school educational travel. They can learn cooperation and responsibility from field experiences and group activities. They usually go to places where they can learn such as historical sites, historical museums, and science museums.

▲ Students can learn many things from school educational travel.

One of my friends said that school educational travel gives them an unforgettable experience. So, he or she wants to have school educational travel frequently. However, another friend of mine said that they always go on the same route. So, they cannot learn new things. They just go there to get along with their friends. Also, teachers always have tension because of students' safety.

From school educational travel, students gain experiences with their friends without their parents. Parents usually help their sons and daughters at home and outside. However, during school educational travel, parents cannot help their children. So, students have to do things themselves with their friends. They have to cook by themselves and sleep without their parents. Also, students can learn many things that we cannot learn in school. They can learn not only knowledge of historical sites and museums but also cooperation, leadership, and responsibility. Moreover, students can do autonomous activities more than in school.

▲ In 2014, students who go to Jeju-do by Sewol-ho died or missed.

Despite all the positive impacts of school educational travel, there are voices of people who say that school educational travel should be banned. They assert that it can make troubles such as bullying, drinking alcohol, and accidents. In school educational travel, students are freer than in school. So, some bad students bully a student. Some students have a terrible experience in school educational travel. Also, some students bring alcohol and cigarette and drink and smoke in their lodging. The most serious problem is the accident. Five years ago, a group of high school students went to Jeju-do for their school educational travel. However, during their trip, the ship they were riding sank, so around 300 students and their teachers passed away. Like this, school educational travel has pros and cons. The conflict still remains for the school officials around the areas of a certain school to discuss.

By Minji Cho


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