Veganism in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-28 16:54:26

Have you ever heard the word "Vegan"? It refers to someone who supports and practices veganism. Veganism is an idea and philosophy that protects animal rights and the environment and opposes species discrimination. Most vegans try not to eat foods that are made out of any ingredients from animals. 

▲ ˝Could you go vegan?˝ sign

Veganism started to be used in 1951, by English vegan Donald Watson. As it began in England, it is still not well known in some countries. South Korea is still working on this problem; however, voices of Korean vegans are rising. Vegan restaurants are increasing, and on the internet, people share their vegan recipes and some information about veganism. Moreover, with South Korea's official vegan certification authority, veganism is spreading and becoming more popular with many people.

▲ Korean veganism webtoon, ˝My Veganism Cartoon˝

▲ 3rd Korean Vegan Festa poster

Even teenagers are trying not to eat foods which are made from the meat of animals. However, it is not easy for them to eat vegetarian meals when they go to school and eat school meals. Therefore, on June 18th, The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education announced a plan for the long-term development of ecological transition education. One of the plans is to have vegetarian options. Not only schools in Seoul but also some schools with student suggestions are expected to be able to implement vegetarian options. In response, the City Board of Education explained that while the number of young people choosing vegetarian meals is increasing, school meals are mainly meat-based, so they are unequal and commit human rights violations. While the pros and cons of vegetarian options are divided; on the other hand, it is well received for guaranteeing the student's right to be vegetarian.

Still, in South Korea, it is hard to be a vegan because some Koreans do not know about veganism compared to people in other countries. However, it is considered positively as their voices are rising, and the veganism movement in South Korea is getting more active.

July 18th, 2020
by Lee Yeonseo


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