The President Orders Scrapping State-issued History Textbooks대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 01:07:01


  The state-issued history textbooks which were published by the previous president and planned to be introduced in 2018 had been caught up in a controversy recently. They were also paid attention by most people for few months. Those books have the incorrect contents that divided the citizens and unified the history education. Also, publishers attempted to glorify the Militatry regime of Park Chung-hee. However, publishing these state-issued history textbooks ended just wasting the budget.
     On May 12th, President Moon Jae-in instructed the Ministry of Education to discard the state-issue history textbooks in the office of the Blue House. Those books which were published completely in January had been scrapped after three months. Also, the council, normalization of history education, will be disintergrated at the end of May. The reason why he ordered that direction is to block any attempt to use history education for political textbooks and guarantee historic diversity.
     Students and parents protested very strongly about the usage of state-issued history textbooks at school and scholastic ability test because of their contents. Others books have contents which are standardized and glorified by some people. However, those state-issued history books are abolished and people opposed like students, and even the superintendent of education gave a welcome to that direction and support it fully. This direction seemed to express his will of reformation.

     Parents union said that history education is starting to straighted not to be controlled by political authority. Also, another union, National Association of Parents for Cham-Education, verbalized that they wish the new government to make an effort to rectify history Education. One cheif spokesman of Korean party said to the president that he should not do political retaliation, but he should do liquidation of a deep-rooted evil properly.

                                                                                                            June 1st Kim Jiyou


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