What Is Annotainer?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-08-20 15:45:32

▲ He is one of annotainer Jang Sung-kue.(from.JTBC)

Nowadays, many announcers are on the entertainment program. We can call them annotainer. The word "annotainer" is a combination of "announcer" and "entertainer". Announcers get entertainment elements, social issues are provided, and sympathy is naturally growing. This job has been a big issue since 2008. Its risk is big, but announcers really want to be annotainer.

▲ She is one of annotainer Park Ji-yoon.(from.JTBC)

There are a few successful annotainers in South Korea. For example, the first famous annotainer is Jang Sung-kue. He is the most popular annotainer. Originally, he was a JTBC announcer, but after changing to an annotainer, he became very successful and won an award. The second famous annotainer is Jun Hyun-moo. He was a KBS announcer, but after changing to an announcer, he won two awards. Now, he is engaged in several entertainment programs. The last famous annotainer is Park Ji-yoon. She was a KBS announcer, but after changing to an annotainer, she has been conducting a radio program since years ago.

The difference between an annotainer and an entertainer is that an annotainer must be an announcer first. An announcer must have correct pronunciation and specialist knowledge. Also, one must have a good appearance and many talents. That latter ability can help to make a good entertainment program because of one's emceeing skills.

▲ He is one of annotainer Jun Hyun-moo.(from.MBC)

We can see that there are many areas in society today that require the ability of an announcer. If you want to be an announcer and an entertainer, how about thinking to be an annotainer? It might be good for you.

By Rae-hyun Kim


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