Bumseo Middle School‘s Famous Event대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-07-22 17:36:45
  • 수정 2020-07-22 17:38:31

Bumseo Middle School's Famous Event

All About Athletic Competition

Most elementary or middle schools have lots of events. Above all, the athletic competition event is the most favorite event among the students. Why most students really like athletic competition?

▲ the athletic competition

The athletic competition is usually held once in a year. Most students think this event, is really special. Then, they always wait for this event. Athletic competition is an event in which students compete through sports. It is composed of ball games, outside sports, and inside sports. The example of ball games is dodge ball, soccer, and basketball. Outside sports' examples are three-legged race, tug of war, jump rope race, obstacle race, and relay.

Also, the inside games include badminton and volleyball. These various sports are made lots of students really excited. In the competition, to get points, they should win some games. Some students cheer their team's students. Teams can be rewarded with some prizes if they get the highest points of all the teams.

Then, what are the things that make lots of students wait for this event? According to a lot of students in school, they said that they can have a really good time with their friends and got a really nice memory during middle school. Also, they can relieve stress from concerning their school grades, attending the academy, or thinking about their own problems. When this event finished, they usually feel comfortable and happy. For this reason, most students in school think this event is special and great.

Most students think that athletic competition gives them a lot of happiness and

▲ the situation of the tug of war

enjoyable moments. Also, they can relieve their stress. Therefore, even if this event is short, still the athletic competition is one of the useful school events for the students.

By Dohyun Lee


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