A Creditable Poet‘s Concert, \"New Road\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 01:01:18

    There was a poet who is always aspired even in deep desperation. His name was Yoon Dong-ju. On December 30, 1917, he was born as the eldest son among the four children of his parents. His major works include "Life and Death", "One Second", "Chick", "New Road", "Seo Si", and "Self-Portrait". They are the national poetry that express the desire of love and independence in the nation in the dark reality of the colony.

     Yoon Dong-ju had gone to Japan for studying. He wrote many poems about missing for his country. He was even tortured by the Japanese police, but he did not forget his sense of aspiration. Also, he endured it because of his country. Finally, he died shortly in the prison on March 16, 1945 at 3:36 am in Fukuoka prison, becoming respectable a poet even in deep desperation.

     Yoon Dong-ju wrote "New Road" on May 10, 1938 at Yeon-Hee Garden. By using his poem's title, people was in the concert easily. The concert was made up of two parts. On the first part, Vivaldi' sone of the four concertos, "Winter", was played by the violist, Kim Sang-jin solo, followed by his two elegy melodies. On the second part, Vivaldi's one of the four concertos, "Spring", was set on stage. This performance was accompanied by Yonsei Shin Poneta, who is led by Professor Lee Taek-ju of Ewha Womans University, who served as the music director of Seoul Arts Center.

     Professor Lim Ji-sung said, "Yoon Dong-ju was put to death by our ancestors who were believers of the armed forces, imperialism and totalitarianism, but I felt his soul melt in the sound of all the grass, trees rivers and flowers, and embracing us from the sky." The event, hosted by the Yonsei University Yoon Dong-ju Memorial Service, featured the poet's life and poetry in particular, alongside composers from South Korea and Japan. It also featured the poet's life.

by Choi Dahye


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